
On creating a program  some of us are contented on using a simple way of coding without considering the best way on running on executing your program, one way is on loading a data from the database having a record with one million rows it takes time to load and it may freeze up your program.

Let’s say that we have a form that will load a data on a listview  having one column and 2 buttons and a textbox

The first button will have the code of this one creating a thread to run it on a separate  instance of the Form so that when it run it will not freeze up.
            Thread trd = new Thread(pop_lv);
 The convention on creating a thread is that you need to create a method that will be executed when the thread is called, pop_lv is a thread.
   private void main(string text)

This method is created to populate the listview base from the sended message from the sender.

delegate void SetTextCallback(string lv);
        private void pop_lv()
           if (! this.listView1.InvokeRequired)

                for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)

                    SetTextCallback d = new SetTextCallback(main);
                    this.Invoke(d, new object[] { i.ToString() });


This code is done to do the thread in a different instance when this one is created the invokerequires gave us the permission to access listview from the different form or instance, and when invoke is requre the listview will be populated from 1 to 100.


On the next button the user will just insert a record base from the input to the textbox

If you can observe is a big difference on coding this the same logic on not using a thread it’s up to you to appreciate it.. J

XML parser

One thing that we want to consider is using xml as a database almost all of the computer can read the data from xml suppose that we have an xml file having this contents.
      <LastName>Tolentino </LastName>
      <LastName>Tolentino </LastName>


The provlem with this is the language the we use to load this one as a database, this article will show on how to load this file on a listview on c#
First is  we need to Import this library using System.Xml; then after that we are ready to go, just place it on the top of your class.
XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(Application.StartupPath + "\\main.xml");
            XmlNodeType type;

            ListViewItem lv = new ListViewItem();
                type = reader.NodeType;
                if (type == XmlNodeType.Element)

                    switch (reader.Name.ToLower())
                        case "lastname":
                            lv = new ListViewItem(reader.Value);
                        case "middlename":
                        case "age":


                        case "firstname":




Suppose that we place this code on form_load it is expected that you have your xml file on your default foulder bin\debug , then the declaration of reader is done, application.startuppath return the location of your file, concatenated to the  file name of your xml file,

The most important thing is the looping in order for it to iterate to the content of the xml file.

Switch case is done to check on where to put the content on the correct column on the listview.
Note that this code reads the data to to bottom

Listview have 4 columns.

Database Manipulation

When dealing some programs when we learn the basic we want more advance knowledge that we want to gain for me an interesting part in programming is when we connect onto a database.
Things to consider when doing some database manipulation (C# using oledb)
1.       Initialize some connection on your databse  (OledbConnection)
2.       Create a sql command to execute(OledbCommand)
3.       And if when reading record use a reader(OledbDataReader)
That is the sequence that we need to understand when dealing with database  on c# first is to establish our connection then after connecting create a oledbcommand that will use this connection and if you are retrieving a record from the database use a Datareader this will read all of the record from the start to bottom.

Suppose that you already created a database and Stored procedure on your sql server version 2005 do the following code.
Create a separate class on your visual c# project call it cls_DBManipulation
Now first thing first we need to include the following library on your class just place this line of code on the top of your class using System.Data.OleDb; Oledb is used when we need to have a more flexible way of coding its supports all of the types of database meaning migration will be easy just change the connection string then your donem, now were ready to code

OleDbConnection con = new OleDbConnection();
        private void init_con()
            if (con.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed())
                con.ConnectionString = "";



After the first open curly bracket of your class I declared a varible named con this is a OledbConnection that will in able as to connect on the database, then weve created a function init_con. The fist line of code is doing some checking if the connection already open, the con.connectionstring needs to be assinged in order for us to connect to the database.
Procedures on Getting a connection string
1.  Create a notepad then save that text document having udl
2.  Double click the file there must be dialog that will open
3.  Select a provider for this project it uses  sql 2005 so we will use this provider Microsoft OLE DB provider for sql server
4.  Then after that put the name of your database server
5.  Then after that check the radio botton Use windows NT Integrated security then press ok
6.  The open the file by using notepad then copy the connection string
After copying the connection string just paste the connection string on Con.connectionstring then enclose it with double quote and add one backslash because backslash is a special character in c#.
   public void insert_record(string fname, string lname, string mname, string address)
            int id = getID();
            OleDbCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand();
            cmd.CommandText = "insert_rec";
            cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;
            cmd.Parameters.Add("@id", OleDbType.Integer)=id;
            cmd.Parameters.Add("@fname", OleDbType.VarChar).Value= fname;
            cmd.Parameters.Add("@lname", OleDbType.VarChar).Value = lname;
            cmd.Parameters.Add("@mname",OleDbType.VarChar ).Value=mname;
            cmd.Parameters.Add("@address", OleDbType.VarChar).Value = address;
This function is created to call a stored procedure named insert_rec the fitst code declare a varible named id and it call a funtion getID then after that is to call the method on openning a connection, after opening the connection the creation of command is done it implies that create a command then use the con as connection.
      The next part is to declare to assign the command text(the name of the stored procedure) and we need to assign the type of the command to be stored procedure, the creation of insert rec requires a paramater the assignmen to of parameter is done using the code after the command type take note that the name of the paramater and datatype should match to your stored procedure, to execute the code you need to do cmd.ExecuteNonquery if this one is not included on your code there will be no changes to you database.

       private int getID()
            OleDbCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand();
            cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;
            cmd.CommandText = "getid";
            int id = (int)cmd.ExecuteScalar();
            return id;

      Since we already called init_con we don’t need to call it again the only deffirence of this code is to the other function is just it use ExecuteScallar() is you are using sql statement that returns only one value the use this code.
   private void updateID()
            OleDbCommand cmdUpID = con.CreateCommand();
            cmdUpID.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;

            cmdUpID.CommandText = "update_id";

the rest is a challenge for you to do such us deleting, searching and modifying a record

getID body have the following code
Select ID from tbl_ID
Insert_rec body have the following code
Insert into tbl_info(ID,Fname,Lname,Mname,address)values(@ID,@fname,@lname,@mname,@address)

Update_id body have the following code
Update tbl_ID set ID = ID +1