Searching a record using KeyPress event textbox

For the previous articles we already had learned how to Create a connection and Inserting a record of a product in tbl_Products, One thing we must consider is that we don't like to insert a the same product with different quantities, in short we dont like a duplication of records.
For this code i will not give you the full code for preventing a duplication of record instead i will give you a code of searching a specific record.

Lets begin

for the existing form that we created on the module of inserting a product Double click the textbox named txtProduct, then the interface will change to code view on the upper right click the combobox and select keypress

--click on the image to enlarge

Then after that a function  will appear as like this

keypress function traces the letters numbers or character that you will input, keyascii is a integer that refer to the number value of the character you've pressed please refer to this link to see the value of the keys you want to trace

now we want to trace if the user will press the enter key on the keyboard a integer value for the enter key is 13 so our code would be

If KeyAscii = 13 Then
' code for searching   

End If

for the next step is to create a code for searching
Private Sub txtProduct_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

    If KeyAscii = 13 Then
 'this if condition will check if the enter key on your keyboard is pressed
        Dim rstsearch As New ADODB.Recordset
'declaration of rstsearch as recordset for searching a record

        rstsearch.Open "Select * from tbl_Products where fld_ProductName  = '" & Me.txtProduct.Text & "'", con, 3, 3  
   'we open rstsearch for the following sql statements Select * from tbl_Products where     fld_ProductName 'the 'where clause we mean the we are searching for a specific record that will equal to txtProduct
        If rstsearch.EOF = False Then
         'this if condition checks if the product that we are searching is existing if it is existing the code below 'will execute

            Me.txtPrice.Text = rstsearch.Fields("fld_Price")
           ' assigns the corresponding value of fld_price to txtprice
            Me.txtStocks.Text = rstsearch.Fields("fld_stocks")
   ' assigns the corresponding value of fld_stocks to txtstocks
                 ' if the record does not exist then a messagebox will appear saying that the record does not exist
                  MsgBox "record does not exist"
       End If
End Sub

- if you think logically if you want to filter on inserting a product  or limit duplication you need to search for the specific product if it existing so it would be the combination of the search and insertion product

-- happy coding

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