VB6 Basics

                On this article I will discuss some codes that might help you on creating some projects in VB6
                                The following will be discussed on this article
1.       Declaration of Variables
2.       Conditional Statements(if then else, Select Case)
3.       Loopings ( For Next)
I-                    Declaration of Varibles
In declaring a variable the keyword Dim ,and public this are the  keyword which is commonly used.  the Dim is a declaration of variable wherein the variable is accessible only on the module/form that you created for example if you have a form1 and a declare a variable named gamers then the variable gamers would be accessible only on Form1 if you have 2 forms then the second form would not have the ability to access this variable.
Public -   the public keyword indicates that you want to declare this function a such way that all of the forms and modules that you have can access this variable meaning there is no limit on accessing this variable
After deciding on what would be the use of the variable(Dim or Public)  you need now to consider what would be the name of the variable the name of the variable it can be anything but it must be related on the use of the variable.
The last thing to consider is the type of the variable there are different type of variables you may use integer, string , double etc.
                                Dim  name as string
                                Public name as string
                                (Public can be access by:  if it is inside a form you need to put the name of the form then period and the name of the variable e.g Form1.name, But if you will use a module no need to  put the name of the module)

II -  Conditional Statements
                II.a   -  if condtion
                                The if condition have the following keyword:
                                                If condition then
                                                                                Code to execute
                                                End if
                                This type of condition is you just want to check one condition if it goes false then there is nothing to do Example:
                                                If  a =1 then
                                                                Msgbox “one”
                                                End if
                                Another example is with the else keyword
                                                If condition then
                                                                Code to execute
                                                                Code to execute
                                                End if
                                This is more flexible than the first condition, this one can be used for error handling for example if a person is expected to input a number and the user would input a wrong input the else statement would be executed
                                                If a = 1 then
                                                                Msgbox “one”
                                                                Msgbox “its not number one”
                                                End if
                Note that you can put a multiple if inside a if it is what we call nested if and make sure that the count of of your if is equal to the closing of the if the “END IF”

                Another conditional statement is the select Case if you will create a codition that you know already on what is the input you can use select case.
                Select Cases status
    Case "single"
                                        Msgbox  "Single"

                Case "married"
                                        Msgbox  "married"
                Case "widow"
                                        Msgbox  "widow"

Case Else
        Msgbox  "There is no such status like that"
End Select

III -  Looping
1.       For condition Next
The for next loop has it’s the following component the condition would be the reference on how long this loop or codes should be executed, for example if you want to have  code that will print or show a number from 1 to 10 then you will need to use a looping statement example:
        Dim start as integer
        For start = 1 to 10
                        Msgbox start
        Meaning thiscode prints the value of start the value of start will change when you execute this loop from 1 to 10.

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